Sunday sunchoke dip.

Remember the story about the ugly duckling?  You know, the poor little thing who was a bit unfortunate looking but when given a chance and a bit of time was a real beauty?  Well today our little ducks name is Sunchoke.  Or more formally, Jerusalem artichoke.  You’ve never heard of the poor little thing have you?  It’s okay.  Don’t feel badly.  We’ve only become acquainted, and I admit, it was a confusing and a rocky start.

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Ballerina’s, writers and cookbooks.

What did you want to be when you grew up?  I wanted to be a ballerina.

Well, first I wanted to be a garbage collector.  Seriously.  They wore really cool orange jumpsuits.  For the record, I look horrible in orange.  I moved on.

What I never thought I would do is write.   Continue reading

Pizza. The perfect food?

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about pizza.  Ruminating one might say.

Pizza.  Is there a more perfect food?  I’m hard pressed to think of one. Vegetarian, pescatarian, gluten free, dieting down, bulking up, lactose intolerant…. Seriously.  No matter your dietary proclivities there is always a way to make pizza work for you.

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