Blogging and brussel sprouts.

It seems as if almost every post I have written lately begins with some sort of apology for my infrequent blogging. A year of school, days in the garden, summer holidays… lots of reasons and excuses, but enough is enough already. I officially graduate in less than a week so school isn’t an excuse, the garden is (almost) ready for winter, and I’m attending a blogging conference just days from now. Gulp. Let me repeat that, the woman who has averaged about a blog a quarter is attending a conference. For food bloggers. Filled with people who write (and publish!) for a living. Double gulp. With that looming motivation in mind I pulled out my notebook and started looking at the list I’ve been keeping of topics I want to turn into brilliant, informative, funny or tasty stories. But where to start?Sprout harvest

Well, Canadian Thanksgiving has happened, so it’s too late to write about turkey (and who am I kidding, I cook a pretty great turkey, but I’m hardly an expert). But I do love the humble brussel sprout. I’ve written about them before (you can find that recipe here) and as I scanned my list of ideas I was surprised to find how frequently they made an appearance. Cooked, raw, shredded, in eggs, in lunches made for friends, in plans for the garden. Those cute little cabbage like vegetables were on almost every page.

So with respect to the autumn season, but with enough freshness to lighten heavier fall meals, the chosen idea is an incredibly easy slaw like salad of sprouts, cabbage and walnuts with an asian(ish) style dressing. As usual, it’s not really a recipe, more like a suggestion for ingredients and proportions. Only want enough for a couple of servings? Don’t use as much cabbage. Want extra for taco Tuesday or lunch on Wednesday? Just keep chopping. However you slice or shred it, enjoy as you go through your daily list. And while a bit of the dressing may pool in the bottom, it really is even better the next day.

Garden Cabbage


1 small napa or savoy cabbage, thinly chopped or shredded. About 2 cups.
5-10 brussel sprouts, finely chopped or shredded.
Juice of half a lemon
1 small green apple, finely chopped and covered in lemon juice.
1/4 cup toasted walnuts

3/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup rice wine vinegar (apple cider will work too)
pinch of sugar or drop of maple syrup
sea salt or 1/2 tsp tamari
1 half inch piece of ginger, grated

Combine the chopped cabbage and sprouts in a large bowl. Add all vinaigrette ingredients to a jar and shake gently to combine. Pour just enough vinaigrette onto the cabbage mixture to lightly cover and then take your hands and massage it in (trust me, this helps soften up the cabbage and sprouts). Wash your hands. Add the apples and toss. Add more vinaigrette if necessary. Sprinkle with toasted walnuts before eating.

Cabbage, Sprout & Walnut Slaw

3 thoughts on “Blogging and brussel sprouts.

  1. I recently found a page of recipes that had “mostlynoodles food – family – friends” at the bottom. Presumably the page was printed out from your website. The title of the page is ‘A Greek Inspired Meal’, and the 3 recipes are for a Vegetarian Greek Style Salad, Dressing, and Lemon Roasted Potatoes. Problem: I can’t find any of those recipes on your website. Are they hidden somewhere?

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