Shortcake, quit hogging the berries!

Does anything spell the beginning of summer like strawberries?  This week I finally had my first local strawberries (sorry, California, yours are good, ours are better!).  Thankfully my oven still hasn’t been installed and I couldn’t make tea biscuits because the berries were gone before the batter would have been mixed.  However, if I did have an oven, and a few extra flats of berries I would have had to make at least one batch of my moms tea biscuits, pour on the berries and maybe, just maybe, some fresh whip cream or ricotta cheese on top.

For those of you with an oven (and with a special shout out to Mom!) here is a tea bicsuit recipe perfect for shortcake of any fruit variety.

4c organic flour

1c white sugar

1/2tsp baking soda

1tsp baking powder

1c organic unsalted butter

1 ½c buttermilk

Preheat oven to 450degrees.  Grease a 9×13 baking pan.

Sift dry ingredients together.  Cut in butter.  Add milk .

Bake for 15 min., test with a toothpick in middle.

To serve cut in squares, then cut individual squares in half horizontally.  Split apart and top with berries, cream and a sprig of mint for garnish.  As an aside – they are great with  a bit of butter or cheese as a special treat with your morning coffee on the patio in the sun with a book!

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